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Learning is liberating, y'all.
The driving force that bends the moral arc of human history towards justice is critical thinking, the singular ability we have as intelligent beings to unify our great powers of rationality & humanity.

Together, we can uncover the elements of what our best thinking looks like as we learn how to harness our intelligence towards empowering projects that are reasonable in logic & humanizing in spirit.

And young people aren't the only ones who need lessons over critical thinking, democracy & freedom. We're all learners here.

But each of us are teachers, too, no matter our profession or age. As an intelligent species, learning from and educating to one another is as ceaseless for us as breathing in and breathing out.

Look at that, when you think about education in democratic terms, it makes for a really empowering approach. I wonder what other liberating discoveries are waiting for you in the critical tradition...


With RIPE, students celebrate the purpose of knowledge, imagine life without it, locate opportunities for its growth, and build upon its legacy today.
This process strengthens their capacities for critical thinking & helps them unearth reasons that motivate them to engage authentically with this knowledge, to truly make it part of their lives.
Watch this YouTube series to learn how to incorporate more of the critical perspective into your teaching!

Your classroom is RIPE for critical learning! With the RIPE Knowledge-Building System, you can make more space for meaningful moments by infusing critical thinking practices into your everyday routine!