Shop for critical curriculum!
'Curriculum' comes from the Latin for 'to run,' which is why classes are called 'courses.' Each lesson here is a path for learners to travel down on a journey towards critical understanding.
Learning League Adventures- 3rd-5th grade mysteries that matter
Colors of Critical Thinking- Program for all ages
RIPE Critical Knowledge-Building Systems
People's Knowledge Project- Initiative for thinkers of all ages
This is a BONUS gift for Patreons who sign up for
as LOW as $1.50 to support this critical cause! Teach students how We the People have a great legacy of knowledge-building to uphold!
Knowledge FOR the People PACK
The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts. -Marcus Aurelius
Go on a critical thinking journey— Revere, honor lesson purpose & meaning. Celebrate the reasons why this lesson is worthy of learning: trace the past, observe the present, forecast the future. Imagine, explore creative dimensions of lesson. Envision all the ways this knowledge could be different: change the past, redesign the present, shift the future. Problematize, examine this knowledge for weakness. Brainstorm how this knowledge could be even more powerful: question the past, improve the present, enrich the future. Enhance, level up the power of this knowledge. Build on the good, fix the bad,
and do awesome things: pull from the past, transform the present, construct the future.
Critical Knowledge-Building-
​Critical Knowledge-Building System- Take a Critical Pause
Your classroom is absolutely ripe for critical learning! This educational system is designed to help you sharpen your liberating teaching instincts and inspire your students to empower themselves on their knowledge-building journey.
Learning matters more when students are able to embrace the critical 'why'— "WHY are we learning this?" Following in Socrates' footsteps, we can discover & infuse purpose in what we are already doing.