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Evolving Beyond Smart: Uplift Yourself & Your Students with a New Confidence
Smart as a whip? Ouch. No, thanks. And remind me again why this is even considered good? Or perhaps you hadn't done much investigation...

Blossom as an Educator: Cultivate Your Craft & Flourish with Critical Pedagogy
The word kindergarten has always delighted me. Invented by the German educator Friedrich Froebel who recognized that children require...

Stargazing at History: The Liberating Power of Learning from the Past
For so long, history was a black hole to me. I'd learn a tidbit of trivia here, a fact and figure there, but despite my best efforts,...

A Talk to Teachers: The Wisdom of James Baldwin's 1963 Address
It's hard to believe I had already been teaching for five years by the time I stumbled upon this speech of James Baldwin's. His eloquent...

A Little Mystery A Day to Keep Your Students Engaged
Mysteries stir up feelings of curiosity and evoke an innate drive for answers in each of us—it’s part of the human condition! Think...

Educational Adventurism: My Quest towards Liberating Education
As all teachers know, education has a special magic. We have felt this truth deep in our bones on too many occasions to deny its...

Abolitionist Teaching: How You Can Take the First Step
“To want freedom is to welcome struggle.” If you’re anything like me, the moment you saw that abolitionist teaching was an approach you...

Why Racial Justice is Central to my Elementary Curriculum: Part I
Opening my classroom up to a discussion about race with third graders was simultaneously magnificent and terrible.

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