Dialogue is Dynamism
transcendence speaks to an affirmative vision regarding the development of a new society, a new democratic notion of sociability, and the development of social conditions that maximize individual and social possibilities to expand what Bahro (1978) has called the 'rich individuality' of all people.'

Transcendence is a big, abstract idea that is hard for us to grasp. Since it means rising above what is, the very word forces us to envision what ascendancy even is and what it looks like. This is quite the intellectual task, but by using our critical thinking, we are more than capable of understanding & actualizing this concept.

We can only accomplish transcendence in our lives through a full realization of the world around us, an imagination alive with ideas that enhance & humanize, and an action plan to make these dreams of flourishing a reality. This is what all learning should be about.

When we engage with education as truly critical thinkers, it allows us to shirk the chains of traditional schooling and liberate ourselves to learn in an empowered way that transforms our lives & world.

it's a critical thinking revolution, babe!

Theory... becomes a transformative activity that views itself as explicitly political and commits itself to the projection of a future that is as yet unfulfilled.
Thus, critical theory contains a transcendent element in which critical thought becomes the precondition for human freedom.

Henry Giroux, Theory & Resistance in Education p. 19